Marília Pinheiro Pereira

Fellow, Programa Leitorado para Instituição Universitária Estrangeira

Born in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, Marília Pinheiro Pereira graduated from the Universidade Federal da Bahia with a BA in Portuguese education and as a foreign language and German as a foreign language, and with an MA in Portuguese Language and Literature, with a concentration in Portuguese as a native and foreign language. She is currently a doctoral student in the Language and Culture Postgraduate Program at Universidade Federal da Bahia. Her dissertation on teaching and learning Portuguese as a heritage language in Germany is being written in collaboration with the Faculty of Didactics at the University of Hamburg.

Since November 2022, Marília has been a fellow of the Programa Leitorado para Instituição Universitária Estrangeira of the Brazilian government and is working at the Leitorado Brasileiro in Heidelberg, an institute of the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies.

Leitorado Brasileiro

marilia pinheiro pereira

Research Profile

Marília's research interests include the areas of sociolinguistics linked to studies on the teaching and learning of heritage languages, bilingualism and multilingualism, and pluricentric languages. With her research, she intends to develop teaching materials for the field of Portuguese as a heritage language from a pluricentric perspective.

Research in Progress

  • Practices and representations in pluricentric language teaching in a multilingual and multicultural context: didactic methods for teaching and learning Portuguese as a heritage language in Germany.
    •  Marília's doctoral project aims to promote teaching practices of Portuguese as a heritage language in a multi/plurilingual context from a pluricentric and intercultural perspective and to develop teaching strategies. A qualitative methodological approach and a theoretical contribution of sociolinguistics to the reflection on the teaching/learning of heritage languages and pluricentric languages form the basis of the discussion of the data collected. The implementation of new teaching approaches that take into account the subjects within the context of the heritage language is fundamental for a stronger sense of belonging for these learners in their (heritage) language. It is expected that the results of this research project will point to new directions in didactic approaches for teaching Portuguese as a pluricentric language.


  • Unesco Chair of Language Policy for Multilingualism
    • This project, led by Prof. Dr. Gilvan Müller de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, entitled Políticas Linguísticas para o Multilinguismo, aims to build a research network of universities, institutes, national committees, professional networks, and academies from eleven countries to generate knowledge about the different contexts of multilingualism and about language policies developed in these contexts. It includes research groups in several universities and institutions in Brazil and abroad. As part of her dissertation, Marília is a member of the project group coordinated by Prof. Dr. Edleise Mendes at the Federal University of Bahia.



PEREIRA, M. P. Português como língua pluricêntrica: perspectivas e desafios em um contexto de herança. In: SOUZA, A.; ALVARES, M. L. O. O ensino de. Português como língua de herança: uma disciplina que se estabelece. Campinas-SP: Pontes Editores, 2020, p. 21-45.
PEREIRA, M.P. Materiais didáticos de português como língua de herança: análise sob uma perspectiva de língua pluricêntrica. In.: LIRA, Camila; SOUZA, Ana Luiza Oliveira de;  LUPETTI, Monica. O POLH na Europa – Português como Língua de Herança. São Paulo-SP: Sagarana, 2021, p.
PEREIRA, M.P. Teaching Portuguese as a Heritage and a Pluricentric Language: insights from an ethnographic study in a bilingual primary school in Germany. In: HELMCHEN, Christian; MELO-PFEIFER, Sílvia; ROSEN, Julia von. Mehrsprachigkeit in der Schule: Ausgangspunkte, unterrichtliche Herausforderungen und methodisch-didaktische Zielsetzungen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH, 2021, p. 127-145.


Winter Semester 2023/2024

  • Antirracismo e sociedade

HCIAS Course Catalog Winter Semester 2023/2024


Marília Pinheiro Pereira

Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies | HCIAS
Brunnengasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg

Email: marilia.pinheiro_pereira(at)

Visiting address:
Bergheimer Straße 58a, 69115 Heidelberg
Room 117 (4311.01.117)