Ibero-American Studies: Master's Program 'Communication and Society in Ibero-America'Insights

HCIAS M.A. program Communication and Society in Ibero-America: Application period open!

We are looking for highly motivated applicants to join our international and interdisciplinary academic community and study the role communication plays in Ibero-American societies. Submit your application online via the heiCO platform until September 30th. If you have any questions contact our study coordination: study(at)hcias.uni-heidelberg.de.
More about the master's program

Student Reflections on the Master's Program

On the study content

On Living and Studying in Heidelberg

On the Next Steps

Mariel Elizondo Romo

I enjoy studying in the master’s program at the HCIAS because, due to its interdisciplinary nature, we get to understand the Ibero-American region from different and complementary perspectives, so every class opens up learning and research possibilities. The professors are truly inspiring: all experts in their respective fields, and passionate about the subjects they teach. All of this in the setting of a small but beautiful city like Heidelberg makes studying at the program a truly unique experience.

Mariel Elizondo Romo, Mexico - Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Hispánicas, Maestría en Psicolingüística

Bárbara Riedemann

As I sought out a program to elevate my professional profile, I discovered this master's degree to be a perfect fit. It has seamlessly merged my journalism background with theoretical and practical knowledge, allowing me to grasp the societal implications of communication as a driving force for transformation in the cultural, linguistic, and environmental dynamics of the Ibero-American region. The program's unique interdisciplinary approach has equipped me with essential tools for my trade. This master's program has been an enlightening academic experience that has uncovered new possibilities, igniting my passion for the critical analysis of emerging issues and phenomena in our society.

Bárbara Riedemann, Chile/Germany - Licenciada en Communicación Social y Periodismo

Ileana Mireles Canales

I like studying in the master's program at the HCIAS because it gives me a great academic opportunity to learn about new areas of communication and social studies that I am really passionate about and that I would not have found anywhere else. I really enjoy studying at the HCIAS, the personal and academic growth has been very satisfying for me. The atmosphere at the HCIAS is ideal since it brings together students and professors from different countries, with different languages and cultures, which is very enriching throughout the master's program.

Ileana Mireles Canales - Mexico, Licenciada en Communicación Organizacional

Maria Manzanares

I enjoy studying in the master's program at the HCIAS because the teaching staff is very young and close to the students and because all of them are highly competent in the fields they teach and deeply passionate about their job. ​​​​​​I especially enjoy discussing the topics related to the articles we read because they provide us with a more critical vision not only of Ibero-America but also of the entire world.

Maria Manzanares, Spain - Graduada en Periodismo con mención en Dirección en Comunicación

Satomi Tanikawa

I decided to join the master’s program at the HCIAS because I believe that Latin America is a crucial region in the 21st century, and studying it from different social science angles, at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, will provide me with great opportunities in the future. The fact that the course is in English and Spanish is also helpful for non-Spanish native speakers like myself.

Satomi Tanikawa, Japan - Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature

Erick Ricardo Flores Herrera

I decided to study in the HCIAS master's program because of its academic perspective and projection as a starting point in my academic career. I enjoy the possibility of studying with a multidisciplinary perspective with a staff of very academically active professors. It is definitely a program suitable for anybody interested in the Ibero-American sphere.

Erick Ricardo Flores Herrera, El Salvador - Licenciatura en comunicación social

david chapman

What I enjoy most about studying at the HCIAS is the warm and supportive community here, as well as the diversity of perspectives and academic backgrounds represented in the Center, both in terms of the teaching staff and my fellow students. The master’s program in Communication and Society in Ibero-America has been a great way to complement and contrast my experience in linguistics with knowledge from other disciplines. Just this semester, I have been lucky enough to take courses in environmental studies, political science, and economics, all of which have contributed to a richer understanding of the Ibero-American region as a whole in all its complexity.

David Chapman, UK - Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics

marc bartosch

The master’s program for me means an unparalleled opportunity for intellectual growth and professional development. It represents a chance to delve deep into the social, cultural, political, and communication aspects of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula, enabling me to broaden my perspective and think critically about the interconnectedness of these disciplines.

Marc Bartosch, Germany, Bachelor of Arts in Translation Studies