About UsVanesa Rodríguez Tembrás

International Academic Programs / Center for Galician Studies, Research Associate

Vanesa Rodríguez Tembrás is a research associate and lecturer at Heidelberg University and a guest lecturer at the University of Vienna. She studied communication, linguistics, and literature at the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Valladolid, and the University of Seville. She successfully defended her doctoral thesis on Code-switching in bilingual medical consultations at Heidelberg University in November 2022.

Currently, she is a research associate and the director’s assistant at the Centro de Estudos Galegos (HCIAS) and is responsible for the center's international academic agreement with the University of Vienna. Additionally, she is the coordinator of the DAAD-funded teaching project "Communication and Society in Ibero-America – CS@Ibero-America_PLUS". She is also the coordinator of two DAAD-funded international study programs: the Master's program variants with a double degree in “Specialized Translation and Cultural Mediation” (in cooperation with the Universidad de Salamanca) and “Specialized Translation and Translation Technologies” (in cooperation with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).

Center for Galician Studies

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Vanesa's doctoral dissertation examined the use of code-switching in bilingual family doctor-patient interactions (Spanish-Galician). She is particularly interested in the power of communication in healthcare and the communicative and social impact of using the precise words in the right language. Her research interests include multilingualism in professional settings, language contact phenomena, human-machine interaction, Galician linguistics, and teaching Galician as a foreign language.

During her doctoral training, she received several scholarships, including a research stay at Harvard University funded by the DAAD (2019). During this research stay, she was a visiting scholar at Rhode Island University and presented her project at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She was also awarded a full scholarship by the Google Faculty Institute to attend a workshop on Machine Learning (Sunnyvale, California, 2018), and received support for attending various conferences from the Viggo Brøndal Fond, Knud Henders Legatfond, and the Oticon Fond.



  • Rodríguez Tembrás, V. Two Languages, One Goal: Code-Switching in Doctor–Patient Communication in the Galician Healthcare System. Languages 2024, 9, 209.


  • Journal: Languages (MPDI), Special Issue: “New Developments in Galician Linguistics”, edited by Prof. Dr. Xosé Luís Regueira and Dr. Elisa Fernández Rei (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela).
  • Kotnis, Bhushan, Gashteovski, Kiril, Rubio, Daniel, Shaker, Ammar, Rodriguez-Tembras,Vanesa, Takamoto, Makoto, Niepert, Mathias, and Lawrence, Carolin. 2022. “MILIE: Modular & Iterative Multilingual Open Information Extraction”. In: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp. 6939–6950.
  • Kotnis, Bhushan, Gashteovski, Kiril, Lawrence, Carolin, Rubio, Daniel Oñoro, Rodriguez-Tembras, Vanesa, Takamoto, Makoto, and Niepert, Mathias (2021). “Integrating diverse extraction pathways using iterative predictions for Multilingual Open Information Extraction”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.08144 ().
  • de Oliveira, Sandi Michele, Hernández-Flores, Nieves, and Rodríguez Tembrás, Vanesa (2019). “‘To Prescribe or Not to Prescribe’is Not the Only Question: Physician Attitudes Towards Antibiotics and Prescription Practices in Spain”. In: Risking Antimicrobial Resistance. Springer, pp. 79–93.
  • Flores, Nieves Hernandez and Rodríguez Tembrás, Vanesa (2018). “’What you should do is change the lifestyle a bit’Mitigation strategies in medical advice”. In: Spanish in Context 15 (2), pp. 325–345.
  • Flores, Nieves Hernández and Rodríguez Tembrás, Vanesa (2018). “Lo que se debe hacer es cambiar un poco el estilo de vida: estrategias de atenuación en el consejo médico”. In: Spanish in Context 15 (2), pp. 325–345.
  • Rodríguez Tembrás, Vanesa (2016). “Alternancia de lenguas como estrategia de actividad de imagen en la comunicación médico-paciente en un consultorio gallego”. In: Textos en proceso 2 (1), pp. 94–121.
  • Rodríguez Tembrás, Vanesa (2015). “Achega á presenza (ou ausencia) do galego e a súa literatura en Dinamarca: estudo, tradución e coñecemento/An Approach to the Presence (or Absence) of Galician and Its Literature in Denmark: Academia, Translation and Awareness”. In: Madrygal: Revista de Estudios Gallegos 18, pp. 579–590.

Congress Participation


  • 30-31 May 2024."Consultas médicas bilingües triádicas: el acompañante-cuidador como intermediario transaccional, comunicativo y emocional”. VII Foro Internacional de Lingüística del Discurso. Università degli Studi di Milano


Vanesa Rodríguez Tembrás

Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies | HCIAS
Brunnengasse 1 69117, Heidelberg

Email: vanesa.rodriguez(at)uni-heidelberg.de