News HCIAS Members Participate in ISA World Congress of Sociology

Junior Research Group Food For Justice - FFJ
The HCIAS junior research group Food For Justice (FFJ), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), will participate in the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology between June 25th and July 1st, 2023 in Melbourne, Australia with two sessions.
HCIAS Prof. Dr. Renata Motta, Professor of Society, Culture, and Communication in Ibero-America, and FFJ project leader Dr. Marco Teixeira will organize a session on The Potential of Food Movements and Intersectional Food Inequalities. The session will be listed under Research Committee RC47: Social Classes and Social Movements and invites papers working on the emancipatory potentials and limitations of food movements in addressing multiple dimensional and intersectional food inequalities. Prof. Dr. Motta and Dr. Eloisa Martin, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, will organize a session on Food and Social Change, listed under RC40: Sociology of Agriculture and Food, which will examine food as a productive lens to understand the broader social dynamic, focussing on the micro-level of social interaction. In the framework of these sessions, HCIAS doctoral researchers Lea Zentgraf and Eryka Silva Galindo will participate within the ISA Research Committees.

Doctoral Researcher Marian Orjuela
HCIAS doctoral researcher Marian Orjuela will participate in the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, in Melbourne, Australia between June 25th and July 1st, 2023, with funding from the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and the Graduate Academy.
She will give a presentation on women's leadership in contexts of violence and conflict, such as the Colombian Amazon, in Research Committee RC48: Social Movements, Collective Action, and Social Change. Marian Orjuela is a member of the HCIAS interdisciplinary doctoral research group “Communication and Society in Ibero-America” and holds a scholarship from the Landesgraduiertenförderungsprogramm of the State of Baden-Württemberg.