About Us HCIAS Organization
In the three main fields of academic activity research, teaching, and knowledge transfer, the HCIAS is strategically steered by a board of directors and advised by a scientific advisory council as well as an advisory council or board of trustees. Through the diverse subject and institutional backgrounds of their members, all three bodies mirror the interdisciplinary collaboration intrinsic to the HCIAS.
HCIAS Leadership and Management
HCIAS Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of the professors, junior professors and joint professors, the managing director, as well as a representative of the junior scholars and a representative of the students at the HCIAS. Further members are a representative of the research councils of the University‘s Field of Focus 3 and Field of Focus 4 and the executive academic director of the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA).
Prof. Dr. Francisco Moreno-Fernández
HCIAS Professor / HCIAS Director
Prof. Dr. Renata Motta
HCIAS Professor / HCIAS Deputy Director
Prof. Dr. Óscar Loureda
HCIAS Professor
Prof. Dr. Robert Folger
HCIAS Joint Professor
Prof. Dr. Sybille Große
HCIAS Joint Professor
Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert
HCIAS Joint Pressor/ Representative of the RC FoF3
Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun
Representative of the RC FoF4
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alejandro Ecker
HCIAS Junior Professor
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Yaatsil Guevara González
HCIAS Junior Professor
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rosa Lehmann
HCIAS Junior Professor
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pablo Porten-Cheé
HCIAS Junior Professor
Dr. Katrin Berty
HCIAS Managing Director
Dr. Inés Recio Fernández
HCLA Executive Academic Director
Dr. Héctor Álvarez Mella
Representative of the junior scholars
Erick Flores, B.A.
Representative of the students
The HCIAS Scientific Advisory Council advises the HCIAS Board of Directors on all strategic and content-related scientific issues. It consists of renowned representatives of different fields of academia from various universities and research institutions.
Prof. Dr. Eva Bravo García
Universidad de Sevilla
Prof. Dr. Benedicte Bull
Universitetet i Oslo
Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Gutiérrez Palacio
Universidad de Oviedo
Prof. Dr. Pedro Martín Butragueño
El Colegio de México A.C.
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Debora Gerstenberger
Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Michael Janoschka
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
HCIAS Kuratorium
The HCIAS Kuratorium, or Advisory Council, is composed of representatives from society, politics and culture, as well as individuals from the university's broader community. Their role is to advise the HCIAS on its goal of establishing a research focus on Ibero-America at Heidelberg University with a high degree of societal relevance and excellent national and international visibility.